
Research and development

Our Company has successfully cooperated long-term with major scientific institutions and universities in the Czech Republic and Poland. Active scientific research and development of our construction systems is very important to us. The objective is to have a complete knowledge base of structural applications of our construction systems, minimisation of production and acquisition costs, minimisation of construction costs of our systems and, last but not least, continuous increase of the service life and reliability of our construction systems.

For this purpose, we have had a long-term collaboration with the Klokner Institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague, whose accredited laboratory performs primarily verification and testing of technical and design parameters of our construction systems.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague is another major partner in the area of scientific research, particularly employees of the Departments of Geotechnics and of Concrete and Bridge Structures. With their active cooperation, we have been developing unconventional applications of reinforced retaining wall systems and construction systems for transport and building construction.


Our Company has received support from the Innovation Vouchers grant scheme. The scheme is organised by the South Moravian Region Innovation Centre. Our Company and the Brno University of Technology are joint partners in the project. The project aims at developing alternative architectural studies primarily focused on railway and road tunnel portals, retaining wall systems for roads and culverts, designs of parterre of road roundabouts, and architectural designs of building structures. The project objective is to support collaborations between academic institutions and the commercial sector; fellow researchers are bachelor and master students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of BUT.