
The owner and operator of the website is the company KB-BLOK systém, s.r.o., with its registered office at Masarykova 635, Postoloprty - průmyslová zóna, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, Section C, File 179, Company ID No.: 148 66 021, Tax ID No.: CZ14866021, which is authorised to exercise its proprietary rights to this website in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act (hereinafter the “Operator”).

The Operator enjoys the full copyright to all the contents placed by the Operator on the website, including text, page design, technical sketches, graphics, all images on the website, as well as the selection and layout of files contained on the website.

The Operator’s and users’ rights and obligations in using this website are regulated by these Rules. The Rules are applicable to anyone visiting the website (hereinafter "Users"). A User expresses consent to these Rules by entering any of the Operator’s web pages or using information placed within the Operator’s web pages in any way.

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