Thanks to its appearance, simplicity and ease of installation, concrete KB-BLOK roofing belongs among frequently used products on the Czech market. Concrete KB-BLOK roof tiles are recognised for their elegant shapes, precise dimensions, timeless service life, wide range of colours and an array of accessory products.
Modern Swedish technologies are used during the roofing manufacture, together with procedures certified by time, high-quality raw materials from selected locations (silica sand, Portland cement) and the vast experience of our staff. Colour stability is guaranteed by the use of quality pigments for concrete colouration and surface paints.
Selská concrete roofing is made in the natural, brick, brown, black, natural KELTIC and brick KELTIC colours, is designed for every type of structure, but its low price makes it ideal for farm and industrial buildings. The full-coloured tiles are also appropriate for rural environments and historical developments.
Compared to the “Selská” design, Skandinávská concrete roofing has an acrylic surface finish and is made of full-coloured concrete and two layers of acrylic spray paint that harmonises the roof colouring and extends the tile service life. It is made in red, brown and black colours.
The glossy Lučanka concrete roof tile has a glossy top surface. The surface is made using new acrylic double-coat technology that provides better protection of the roof against weather and increases frost resistance, thus extending the life of the roof. It is made in red, brown and black colours.
Join our satisfied customers who appreciate the high quality that they have experienced since 1991 and the 30-year warranty.