Larger format building block with rectangular facets, designed primarily for building walls and fences as well as larger structures (garages, garden sheds, infills of industrial building frames, angular retaining walls with lower loading).
The building blocks are laid on top of each other dry, without jointing. Thanks to the facets, which produce a unique effect and imitate completed joints when the blocks are laid out, the fence construction is quick and easy. Only 8 basic building block are required for 1 m2, making fence construction a low-cost affair.
The building blocks are available as basic and half-blocks, continuous (with room for reinforcing bars) and end blocks (for fence ends). The building blocks are designed for concreting the entire internal wall area. Column blocks with an original combed design are intended for building columns.
- Lidovka smooth Natural Detail
- Lidovka half smooth Natural Detail
- Lidovka column scratched Natural Detail
Nalezeno produktů: 3