Invitation to March construction trade fairs in Moravia – STAVEBNICTVÍ-THERM Zlín and STAVOTECH Olomouc


Following the successful STŘECHY A STAVBA construction trade fair held in Ostrava in February, we are exhibiting at two more trade fairs in Moravia in the coming weeks. Don’t miss the trade fair in Zlín this week, and in Olomouc next week.

The 26th annual STAVEBNICTVÍ-THERM 2015 trade fair starts in just a few days, to run from 19-21 March 2015 in Zlín, in the Euronics sports hall (former Novesta). Our booth, No.5, will be indoors. 
If you cannot make to the Zlín trade fair, don’t worry, only a week later KB-BLOK will present itself at the STAVOTECH Olomouc construction and technical trade fair (Flora exhibition grounds, 26-28 March 2015).

At the upcoming trade fairs, we will introduce our dry masonry building blocks Lidovka and PlayBlok; if you prefer conventional jointed building blocks, inquire at the booth about our bargain offers for 2015, including an offer for a New fence with a 20% discount and roof blocks for CZK 1 each.

We will also demonstrate our roofing, which we are currently offering with a 50% discount, as well as  garden architecture and retaining wall elements and other pieces from our extensive range.

But not to give away everything... We are preparing a number of novelties and new products for the new season, so if you want to be among the first to find out, visit us at one of the upcoming exhibitions.


trade fair dates: 19-21 March 2015
Venue: Euronics sports hall (former Novesta), Zlín, U Stadionu 4286
Entrance to the trade fair is free


trade fair dates: 26-28 March 2015
Venue: Flora exhibition grounds, Wolkerova 37/17, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic